Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fixing Education

I was reading a post by David Warlick on his $.02 Worth blog regarding comments made by new Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Duncan proposes that one of the solution is to expand the school day, week, or year. I really liked Warlick's response...

"After watching this interview, I honest believe that Secretary Duncan understands that we’re talking about more than seat time. But what is going to take more courage than suggesting a 30% increase in school hours, is saying that we do not need to compete against the best of India and China, that we need to do something else. It isn’t the time that is hurting our children. It is the notion that education is something that has to be done to our children, instead of something that must be grown from them. It is cultivation and conversation."

I think it is something that educators should look into. We have to make better use of the time we have with the students, add more quality, and trim some of the "fat". If we are truly attempting to compete with China and India, which may not be the best avenue to travel, we should look at how they use their time rather than trying to add what they do to what we already do. We also need to look at a different road to travel in education, the road less traveled so to speak.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"To educate a man in mind, and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society."
Theodore Roosevelt